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May and Might When Expressing Possibility. In popular usage and speech, may and might are used interchangeably when referring to possibility and probability, but there is a slight difference between the two. May is used to express what is possible, factual, or could be factual.
Most of the time, interchanging them doesn’t seem to matter. Strictly speaking, might is the past form of may, but may often occurs in past tense constructions, and might is used in sentences about the present or future. Both may and might are used when the speaker is not sure about something:. I may watch a movie tonight. May and might are both used to talk about the chances of something happening and to ask for and give permission.
It might rain later (= it is possible that it will rain) I might go to the movies tonight. (Though I'm not sure) May and might are modal auxiliary verbs that indicate a possibility, probability, hope, or a request. For instance, one “ might ” or “ may ” attend a concert. “ May I ?” and “ might I ?” are also common ways to ask for permission or provide a suggestion. May and might are both commonly used to talk about possibility: You may have a little difficulty driving at night.
• He may/might have come home early. 2.
Glycated proteins in infant formula may cause inflammation that could disturb tolerance induction and lead to autoimmune disease.
May she enter the room? – Она может войти в комнату? I may not come.
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Modal verbs (may, might, must, can, could, be able to, would, should 18 фев 2014 Наряду с may not, запрет может выражаться при помощи can't или mustn't, причем эти два способа предпочтительнее. May и might 23 июл 2020 Модальные глаголы may, might, might have done, may have done, might be doing, may be doing, might as well в грамматике английского Розглянемо дієслова MAY (MIGHT), CAN (COULD) і на прикладах побачимо всі особливості модальних дієслів. Якщо Вам важко в правильності вибору Перевод контекст "might" c английский на русский от Reverso Context: might be, might want, might as well, might need, might wish. Упражнения на тему Modal verbs (May/Might) (Модальные глаголы (may/might )) онлайн.
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The auxiliaries may and might are often used interchangeably. Most of the time, interchanging them doesn’t seem to matter.
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Note: Might is used more frequently than May in spoken English. I might go home early if I’m tired. He may have visited Italy before settling in Nuremberg.
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May and Might When Expressing Possibility. In popular usage and speech, may and might are used interchangeably when referring to possibility and probability, but there is a slight difference between the two. May is used to express what is possible, factual, or could be factual.
2020 She___have missed her train I am afraid. варіанти відповідей. may. might.
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2018-06-25 · Knowing the difference between may and might will help you understand which one is used in a sentence. While may is used in a situation where something is possible to happen, but you are not sure about it. On the other hand, might is used when there is a little possibility of the happening of a specific event.
She might not buy the book. The question form is: may / might + subject. However, using might in forming questions is not very common. Might she be hungry? To make requests, May can be used with ‘I’ or ‘we’.
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When using them this way, they mean the same thing. For example: Might is the Past Tense of May The second distinction, which is the more important of the two, between these two words is that might is the past tense of may.
Using "Might" in Present, Past, and Future may. might conditional of may, 1. If I entered the contest, I might actually win. 2. Sep 10, 2019 I may not have time to do it today. Pete may come with us. might.